My Offerings

Advocacy and teaching moments captured.

Anti-Racist Facilitation & Consultant

I lead emergent conversations that focus on increasing Anti-Racism & Anti-Oppression practices in collectives, organizations, and events. I achieve this by:

  • Nurturing Collaborative Learning and Self-Reflection Practices 

  • Exploring Experiences & Stories Through Self-Reflection

  • Advocating & Cultivating Attainable Action Stsps

  • Encouraging Healing that Moves Us Towards Liberation

  • Fostering a Brave and Nurturing Environment that Imparts a Sense of Belonging 

  • Pushing Boundaries and Advocating for Actionable Changes that Prevent Harm, Reduce Harm, and Repair Relationships

This could involve an equity audit/assessment, leadership coaching, mediation, equity-focused training, facilitation of affinity groups, and more.

Photos of Shows I produced and the cast.

Creative Producing

I specialize in producing and organizing events, with experience in planning and executing national events. I offer event consulting and short-term management roles depending on the event and organization.

I am currently shifting the cultural landscape to a more diverse and equitable representation of the world by creating high-caliber work that gives individuals ownership and a platform to tell their stories. I achieve this by creating and producing innovative and emotionally provoking art* of high artistic excellence that: 

  • Encourages Exploration of Individual’s Identity and Sense of Belonging Through Stories

  • Provides Authentic Portrayals of an Individual's Culture, History, and Experiences

  • Enlightens, Advocates, and Cultivates Build Bridges of Understanding & Community

*Art is a diverse range of human activities that express the author's imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Photo of me reading and a letter that I wrote

Author & Script Writer

I focus on the multi-facets of the human experiences through the power of storytelling. I aim to empower individuals to flourish, embrace their true selves, and find healing in their lives. My creative endeavors delve into the in-between spaces of identity, capturing the essence of life's intricate dance. I create stories that connect with the range of human emotions, inviting readers to explore the rich tapestry of their narratives.

It's not just about telling stories; it's about inviting others to join a collective exploration of coming home to ourselves. Through my work, I aspire to encourage self-reflection, spark conversations, and contribute to a world where storytelling becomes a vessel for healing, understanding, and embracing the beauty of our humanness.

A Collection of Photos of Me in Red.

Individual Leadership Coaching

I am fostering the human experience and each individual's ability to flourish, show up as their highest self, and feel at peace in their life. I offer individual coaching for leaders at all levels/career stages that support their needs and specific leadership journeys. I prefer to work with those who are multi-passionate visionaries who are exploring their identity with their artistry and lead with a greater equity-focused leadership ethos.